Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What The Halloween Candy You Give You Says About You

Every Halloween millions of Americans purchase their favorite candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters as they make their way around the neighborhood Halloween night. But, does the type of candy you give out say something specific about you as a person or your personality? Check out the infographic below to see what exactly each candy option says about you. Let us know if you agree in the comments section!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Car Tip of the Week: Check the tread on your tires using only a penny.

You can use nothing but a penny from your pocket to determine if the tires on your vehicle are both LEGAL and SAFE to drive on! Almost every state mandates that all passenger car tires meet a minimum tire tread depth of 2/32" measured from the top of the tread wear indicator to the top of the tread. You can locate the tread wear indicator as it appears in the tread grooves as a small bump. It just so happens that the lettering on a penny that is right over Abe Lincoln's head is exactly 2/32". If you place the penny on top of the tread wear indicator and the letters over Lincoln’s head are visible, that indicates your tires have inadequate tread and it’s time for a new set. The good news is that you used nothing but a penny to prevent a potentially devastating event and ensure the safety of yourself, as well as everyone else on the road around you.