Friday, May 31, 2013

Gov. Cuomo announces tougher penalties for texting while driving

NEW YORK - Gov. Andrew Cuomo has announced tougher penalties for drivers caught texting behind the wheel.

Drivers caught texting while driving will get five points on their license – an increase from the current penalty of three points. Cuomo is also backing legislation that would see drivers with junior or probation licenses receive a 60-day suspension for texting.

"We want the message to be very clear to young drivers,” says the governor. “Don't do it. Don't think about doing it. And if they are doing it - we want to catch them when they're young.”

The governor has called for a summerlong crackdown on texting while driving. State police have been ordered to increase patrols and will be out in force starting this weekend. The new penalties take effect Saturday.

Courtesy of News 12 Long Island

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