Thursday, July 31, 2014

Honda Joins EPRI, Utilities and Automakers to Help Create an Open Grid Integration Platform for Plug-in Electric Vehicles

Honda has joined a group of eight major automakers and 15 utilities organized by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to demonstrate a standards-based, open grid integration platform for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). The open platform will simplify and streamline V2G communications, enabling PEVs to provide grid services and increasing the overall value proposition of plug-in vehicles.

There are more than 3,300 utilities in North America and various global automakers providing plug-in vehicles. Collaboration of this nature is necessary to maximize the potential of vehicle-grid integration.

"This project is an important step in enabling plug-in vehicles to reach their potential as a valuable distributed resource that can increase grid stability, improve power quality and reduce demand peaks," said Steven Center, vice president of the Environmental Business Development Office at American Honda. "Honda is participating in several projects aimed at accelerating vehicle-to-grid integration, which has the potential to reduce the total cost of owning a plug-in vehicle while enabling higher concentrations of renewable energy."

Honda has steadily advanced and expanded its knowledge of V2G systems through its participation in several projects. Leveraging IBM's cloud-based PEV Enablement platform, Honda demonstrated a PEV's ability to receive and respond to charge instructions based on grid conditions and the vehicle's battery state. Phase II of the project expanded the use of this network to schedule charge times based on the needs of the driver and preferred rate structures, including the use of renewable energy sources for charging.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Five Simple Ways to Improve Gas Mileage

1. Run several errands in one trip. Pick up the dry cleaning, dog food and groceries in one trip. Even better, do it on your way to or from work.

2. Reduce Weight. Less weight in your car means that the engine won’t have to work as hard. Eliminate unnecessary cargo, especially during your daily commute because those miles add up quick.

3. Keep your tires inflated to manufacturer standards. This one is easy and makes a huge difference. Low inflated tires will have a drastic effect on the fuel mileage your car gets.

4. Don’t speed! While each car has a different optimal speed to fuel mileage ratio, a good rule to keep in mind is that, on average, every 5 mph over 50 mph that you travel costs an extra 25 cents/gallon.

5. Use cruise control and overdrive. Most modern car’s cruise control uses a computer to achieve the best possible fuel economy. Using overdrive, especially on the freeway, engages a higher gear ratio, effectively reducing the amount of work your car’s engine is exerting.

We hope these five tips can help save you some money. If you have any other tricks that you like to implement, be sure to let us know!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Apple CarPlay: Full iOS Integration Coming This Year!

Apple has officially announced CarPlay, an in-car system that is destined to take over your dashboard. CarPlay is being dubbed as “the smarter, safer and more fun way to use iPhone in the car” and “will be available in select cars shipping in 2014.”

CarPlay will have an interface similar to iOS 7 and heavily integrate Siri to allow iPhone users with iOS 7 to make and receive calls, use Maps, listen to music and access messages “with just a word or a touch.” Users access CarPlay by pressing the dashboard display, or through the embedded voice control button on the steering wheel. Apple noted in the press release that “when incoming messages or notifications arrive, Siri provides an eyes-free experience by responding to requests through voice commands, by reading drivers’ messages and letting them dictate responses or simply make a call.”


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Five Less Obvious Signs That Your Car Is In Need of Service

While most of the time your car will be intelligent enough to let you know when it's time for service, there are instances when you may need to identify signs a little less obvious than a blinking orange light on the dashboard.

Here are five more subtle indications that your car needs a trip to the doctor.

1. You notice a sudden drop in gas mileage. This could be a direct cause of a bad fuel injector, dirty fuel filter or a problem with the spark plugs.

2. Strange sounds. There are many different noises that cars make; some natural while others not so much. Knocking, thudding, squealing, droning: these are some common indicators that something is wrong. 

3.  Leaks. Automobiles require a litany of fluids to properly function. Not all leaks will indicate a problem. For example, in the summer when the A/C is running, water may condense and drip on the ground. The same is true for exhaust pipes. Oil is one particular fluid that you do not want to see accumulating on your driveway. A good way to test if it is just water, or perhaps something else, is to dab a bit of the fluid on your finger and smell it. 

4. Spongy Brakes. Are you having to apply more pressure when braking your vehicle? It may be time for a brake inspection. 

5. Smells. Use all of your senses when operating your vehicle. Burning or metallic scents coming from the vehicle are good signs of overheating, or brake issues.

If you think your car is in need of service, schedule an appointment with us online!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Honda Developing Technology to Make Pedestrians Safer

In the U.S. almost 4,500 pedestrians are killed in collisions with cars and just under 70,000 are sent to the hospital each year. Honda has made it a priority to improve these numbers. 

Honda Motor Corp accepted this challenge and has devised a system aimed at providing a solution to the problem.

"The system consists of a millimeter wave radar scanner and a high-resolution camera, which work together to spot passengers and apply the breaks if necessary, and if it is safe to do so.  What's particularly impressive about Honda's claims is it says it can bring a vehicle hurdling towards a pedestrian to a dead stop in most cases at speeds up to 60 kph (via" 

Initially, this feature will be sold as an add-on. The first car to come equipped with the system will be the 2015 Honda Legend, or the rebranded Acura RLX in the U.S. 

Honda hopes that the implementation of this safety system will boost safety-ratings in 2015.

The entire Honda fleet should receive the upgrade as early as 2016 or as late as 2017.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Honda Gives Us “One More Thing to Love about Today” in New Campaign


To bring attention to the significantly enhanced 2014 Civic Coupe and Si Coupe, Honda is launching an uplifting multiplatform campaign—"One More Thing to Love about Today." The work features blues rock band Vintage Trouble and pop culture favorites Adventure Time, Nyan Cat and other Internet sensations. 

To contrast the typical negative news cycle, the new Civic campaign features a collection of inspiring print, digital and TV spots, speaking to the optimism of today's youth.

Take a look at the video: