The reduction of Honda's environmental footprint begins with the development of products that consume less fuel, contain fewer substances believed to be harmful to the environment, and are designed to be manufactured using fewer scarce or non-recyclable materials, along with improved ease of dismantling to accommodate the recycling of parts and materials at the end of a product's useful life.
Design for the Environment
Environmental factors are considered early and during each phase of the design and development of every Honda and Acura product. Accordingly, Honda engineers take into account such factors as dismantling complexity, component remanufacturing and the minimization of substances of concern (SOCs).
Reducing Substances of Concern (SOCs)
Honda's efforts to reduce SOCs have been consistent with evolving government regulations. The company is committed to eliminating restricted substances and other hazardous substances where technically feasible and economically practical, in advance of regulations.
Fuel Efficiency
Gains in fuel efficiency are the most effective way to achieve lower CO2 emissions. Honda's MY2009 Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) was up 1 mpg, or 3.3%, over the previous model year, exceeding the industry average by 2.8 mpg, or 9.8%. Since MY2005, Honda's CAFE has increased 7.2%, outpacing the company's voluntary goal to achieve a 5% gain in CAFE over 2005 levels by 2010.
-Honda Motors
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