Monday, September 17, 2012

A big thank you to Jay for this amazing review! Great job Yvonne and Evelyn!

Paragon Honda - (4) Star Review on Yelp

  • We quickly walked to the CR-V in the showroom and within 5 minutes, Yvonne M. showed up with a smile and offered to help us. I told her immediately what our intentions were and she was more than willing to help. She then brought us over to the coffee station and made us coffee. We wanted our coffee with Splenda but none could be found at the station. We were asked to wait and within a minute, Yvonne came back with what we needed and we proceeded on our way.

    Two sips of coffee later and a brief conversation, a white CR-V was brought to the front and we test drove it immediately. By 11:00am, we were negotiating for a price and of course, a salesman pitch was made about how the CR-V has a great market value above its current sticker price. It's all part of the game and I knew this not to be the case. We counter-offered with a more realistic price and eventually the sales manager dropped by with his pitch. I told him why it was worth selling us the car at the price we wanted so we negotiated again and I was able to purchase the car for my uncle at a lower price than he was initially going to pay for. I'm sure the dealership made their share of $$ but the most important part was that my uncle got what he wanted at lower than what he was expecting to pay.

    The bank was 3 blocks away and Yvonne offered to drive us there but we declined. We came back in less than 20 minutes with a cashier's check and the deal was sealed. The car we wanted was in another location and needed to be transferred to the lot. This would take a while because flatbed trucks unload 5-8 cars at a time. We knew we had to wait but guess what Yvonne did? She sent us to Evelyn and she gave us a tour of the white CR-V we initially test drove and she showed us how to work the car from using the radio to cruise control and the 3 views of the standard back-up camera. She showed us all the equipment and told us we could come back anytime so she could pair our phones with the new car. We then proceeded to have lunch and came back by 1:30pm. Still no car but we were told that it would be there in another 2 hours.

    Our options were to wait or Yvonne offered to deliver the CR-V to my uncle's home address. We also declined. During this time, we signed the rest of the paperwork and took care of the car insurance. We decided the next best thing to do was to go home, relax and come back at 7pm.

    We come back at 7pm and the car was there. We took another drive in it to make sure everything worked and we were out of the dealership by 7:20pm.

    If you'd like to take a minute to read some advice to my fellow Yelpers, it would be:
    1. Do research on the car you want. We NOW know financing through Honda will require you to purchase the extended warranty but you can cancel.
    2. Know the price you want to pay for the car (you got multiple websites that help you to gage the price) and be ready to walk away.
    3. Come to terms that the dealership will try to make more money out of you. Be ready to walk away if you feel disrespected.
    4. Know that shopping for the right salesperson is as important as shopping for the right car.

    So, let me tell you what did work. One single salesperson was hungry enough to take a risk early in the morning to work with a customer. This same person offered us coffee and had it done the way we wanted. We were taken seriously and respected. This same person took steps beyond their duty to offer to drive us to the bank and bring the car to the location of the purchaser.

    It doesn't take a lot to appease a customer but on this day, Paragon Honda got it right. You put Yvonne and Evelyn together and you got a duo that will ensure that you have happy customers who will take the time to write a review like I did. -Jay L.

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